Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pulau Lang Tengah

On Malaysia Week, my group of 16 and Mr. Whiting and Ms. Rector traveled to the east coast to Pulau Lang Tengah. The people in 6th grade were Grant, Seb, Ahmed, Tobi, Amber, and me. On the first day, we couldn't go to our island because it was raining to hard and the boat weren't allowed to go out to the sea. That day, we stayed at a nice hotel. We could choose our roommates (up to 5 people). Our room consisted of Grant, Ted, Ahmed, Seb, and me. We stayed up all night playing poker (betting with mentos). Ted kept on going All In with his mentos and if he won the round, he would start dancing on the poker table.

The next couple of day 3rd days, we came to the island and started kayaking and snorkeling. We stayed at a dorm style resort. During our stay, I roomed with Seb. During snorkeling, the coolest fish I saw was a shark and barracuda. We kayaked around the whole island on the 3rd day. The last day was the best. We did the amazing race around the island. We had to hike and kayak with our partner. I was with Daniel Lee and we came in 4th place out of 8 teams. Luckily, my kayak didn't capsize during the Malaysia Week. Overall it was a near perfect Malaysia Week. All of us enjoyed it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Winter Break

Winter Break
On my winter vacation, my family and I took a road trip to Langkawi where we spent 3 nights at the Sheraton Hotel & Resort. We had an executive suite which was a great room that had two flat screen TVs, a Bose Ipod sound system and a cool jacuzzi bathtub. On our first day, we took a very long cable car ride up this huge mountain. On the top, we walked out on this awesome suspension bridge. Some parts on the bridge were creepy because when I was walking on the bridge, it started to shake and the bridge was about 1300 feet off the ground. However, the best part about the trip was that my family and I took a mangrove boat tour. The best part of the tour was that when my family and I were walking to a bat cave. I was holding a flashlight our boat tour guide gave us when suddenly a monkey came out of nowhere and attacked me. It started to scratch me until the flashlight dropped out of my hand, then the monkey got off me and went for the flashlight. Our tour guide shot the monkey with a slingshot which made the monkey let go of the flashlight. Our tour guide grabbed the flashlight, we went into the bat cave got back in the awesome tour boat and we were back on the tour. I went to Singapore and Penang too, but i like this one the best. That is my moment for my 2008/2009 Winter Break.

Monday, December 1, 2008



One of my favorite sports is basketball. I like it because it involves using your hands, you have to run a lot, and I'm very good at it. I also like to watch it too. My favorite NBA (National Basketball Association) team is the Boston Celtics. I first started playing basketball when I was 6 years old in the States. My first several years I played mostly on local "house" teams. In one playoff game I scored 26 points which I think is still a record. After house league, I graduated to the McLean Travel Team (our city's all-star team) when I was 10. The season lasted from October to March and we played 15 games against other towns in the Northern Virginia area. When we moved to Malaysia, I was afraid there wouldn't be any basketball, but I was surprised. We found that there were school-based teams in middle school, which wasn't the case in the U.S. Only High Schools have school teams. I'm getting really excited about the upcoming basketball season at ISKL. In a preseason tournament at Garden International School, we came in 1st place out of 5 teams.
If you don't know what the sport of basketball is, I'll tell you a few of the basic rules and regulations. There are 5 players on the court for each team (5 v 5). The teams objective is to move the ball up the court and put the ball into the basket. There are three things you can do with the ball: pass, shoot, or dribble. The other team that doesn't have the ball tries to block the ball. There are five positions: Point Guard, Shooting Guard, Small Forward, Power Forward, and Center. I play the shooting guard and small forward positions. This site will tell you some of the more advanced rules.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


One of the most important inventions over the past hundred year with the greatest impact on our lives is the automobile. For the first time in history it gave ordinary people the ability to travel long distances easily and cheaply. The first Gasoline engine car was built by Karl Benz in Germany in 1885. It wasn't until 1914 that a large scale production of automobiles began with Henry Ford's famous assembly line. For can to be really useful, roads and highways are needed. In the 1950's and the 1960's, the U.S built thousands of miles of highways, and ownership of cars jumped. These day there are almost 2 cars per. American family. Car ownership in countries like China and India and other developing countries like Malaysia have increased. These days cars are not only powered by Gasoline, but also by: Diesel, Biofuels, and Electricity. These alternatives fuels are to help the environment by reducing pollution. This is why I picked the car for my invention.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


The SPCA stand for Socity for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal. It's a animal shelter that takes care for abandon animal. The SPCA is getting more than 7000 animals a year and is runnign out of space for the animals, so they want people to come to the shelter and adopt the animals instead of buying pets. So please come to the shelter and adopt a animal. Help the animals of Malaysia.